Structural Engineering Basics Videos

Below you can find some short videos discussing the basic elements of structural engineering. If you like what we are doing, go ahead and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date with all of our latest videos. If you are still interested in learning more about structural engineering, feel free to sign up for our comprehensive online course.

VIDEO #1. What Is Structural Engineering & What Do Structural Engineers Do?

This video will go over what structural engineering is and what structural engineers do. Structural engineering is a branch of civil engineering that involves applied science to design the load bearing elements of structures. Structural Engineering Basic’s Mostafa El-Mogy will also talk about the differences between structural engineers and architects, as many people aren’t able to distinguish between the two when it comes to who does what in the design of buildings and structures.  

VIDEO #2. What Are Building Foundations & How Do They Distribute Loads? 

In this video, Structural Engineering Basic’s Noah Moscovitch will explain what building foundations are and go into the different types of foundations. Foundations are the structural element that transfers the loads applied on a structure into the ground below the earths surface. Two types of foundations will be discussed, shallow and deep foundations. Footings are a type of shallow foundation that will be explained, and piles are a type of deep foundation. Noah will go over some of the pros and cons of each type of foundations, and explain the risks associated with foundations.

VIDEO #3. Types of Loads on Structures | What Loads We Use in Structural Engineering

In this video, Structural Engineering Basic’s Noah Moscovitch will give a quick overview of the types of loads structural engineers use to design structures. Gravity loads, or vertical loads, will be discussed including dead loads, live loads and snow loads. Lateral or horizontal loads will also be touched on which include wind loads, earthquake loads, and surcharge loads. Loads are forces or pressures that act on a structure. Structural engineers design structures to resist these loads and transfer them into the earth below.

VIDEO #4. What Are Beams & Columns in Structural Engineering?

In this video, Structural Engineering Basic’s Mostafa El-Mogy will explain some of the most important structural elements, beams and columns. Beams are horizontal elements that often resist vertical load and transfer loads to other beams or to columns. Columns are vertical elements that take loads from beams or other columns and transfer loads down to the foundation or to other columns or beams below. Mostafa will explain why each element is important and give some simple examples in order for viewers to understand how to distinguish these elements when they look at structures themselves.

VIDEO #5. Types of Materials Used in Structural Engineering

In this video, Structural Engineering Basic’s Mostafa El-Mogy will talk about the different kinds of materials used in the construction of structures. As a structural engineer, Mostafa uses reinforced concrete, steel, wood and masonry to design the majority of his structures. The pros and cons of each material will be discussed along with a background of construction materials and the importance of regulating the manufacturing process.

VIDEO #6. What Types of Projects Structural Engineers Work On

This video gives a nice breakdown of the types of projects that structural engineers work on on a daily basis. Structural Engineering Basic’s Noah Moscovitch talks about a few different projects he has worked on as a consulting engineer. The projects are broken into the design of new structures and the renovation/restoration of existing structures. New structures include bridges, office buildings, skyscrapers, dams, and schools. Examples of renovation and restoration projects include altering a structures use (a restaurant into a micro-brewery), and repairing deteriorated concrete in an existing parkade.

VIDEO #7. Design of High-Rise Buildings

In this video, Structural Engineering Basics Mostafa El-Mogy talks about what is involved in designing high rise buildings. Mostafa has years of experience working as a structural engineer designing tall buildings and was on the design team for one of the worlds tallest buildings, the Makkah Clock Tower in Saudi Arabia. He explains how a buildings height and shape affects its load on the foundation, the vibration, sway and comfort level.

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